When women first begin dating a new man they tend to make mistakes that will eventually cause the relationship to end. These mistakes can easily be avoided if women will take the time and make the effort to avoid them. Staying in a relationship with someone that you are not honest with, who you will cancel all of your plans for, who you expect to change at some future point in time, who you think is just saying one thing when he really means another, who has bad behavior that you keep excusing – is not a good idea.
Ghana Entertainment and Celebrity News
Are You Settling for a Black Man?
Internet Love: To Google or not to Google (Part 2) – The Dates
The Dates
Mr Investor
My first date was with Mr Investor. I won’t lie, I was as nervous as they come. I didn’t know what to expect. I was particularly worried as I had a sneaking suspicion Mr Investor would be Nigerian. Although his name on the dating website was ‘Detrick’, he had that unmistakable Nigerian accent, albeit shrouded in enough London lingo.
How To Pick Up A Guy
You’ve tried everything to catch the eye of that cutie at the end of the bar, but he still hasn’t come over to say hi. Don’t leave it up to the guys to approach you. Be a flirt! Make the first move. A guy will be so relieved that he’ll usually flirt right back, buy you a drink or ask you out.
Confront Your Fears.Discover Traditional Ghanaian Religion
This weekend, I had an intense personal experience with African traditional religion. Before you freak out, get some perspective.
Though I hold some views that would be considered radical in Ghana, in general, i’m a regular Ghanaian. I work. I take tro-tro. I dream of a better life. I look forward to teaching my children fante. Sometimes I go to church. But unlike many Ghanaians, when it comes to religion, I consider myself a truth seeker so I am open to learning about religions.
Internet Love – to Google or not to Google: Dispelling the Myths (Part 1)
8 Reasons Why Guys Cheat
Sometimes, when the going gets tough, the tough get it on with someone else. But what really makes men stray? A nagging girlfriend? Bad sex? An escape from loneliness? Yes, yes and yes. Hear why these men slipped away from their girlfriends and landed in someone else’s bed. Then — whether you’re a guy or a girl — use the info below to sidestep this kind of situation in your love life.
7 Things Women Hate In Relationships
Building and sustaining a good relationship could be real hard work for both men and women. Probably what makes it more intriguing is the challenge of uniqueness; every man/ woman is wired differently and everything around them reflect this subtle point.
The experience of some would have pushed them to a painful decision of abstaining from further interactions with the opposite sex, while others would have taken ample time to devise a way to handle their fate. But in all these, there is no harm in seeking knowledge that can ease your stress and frustration.
5 Mistakes Women Make
We have heard it from our mothers, our aunts, our mentors, our sisters and a few female friends. But many of us are still left wondering what unbiased perspectives ‘they’ have.
‘They’. MEN.
Hear those wise words from one of them. I have been touched by this article and strongly believe it will strike (at least) a cord with many of you. It’s a long worthwhile read. Brace yourself for what I consider in numerous ways, THE RAW, PLAIN TRUTH from Gossipa the Konkonsa.