Ghana’s Mildred snubbed the compulsory Eviction Diary Session this afternoon. For the first time since Big Brother StarGame began, Keitta had his Diary Session solo. His girlfriend Mildred boiled with anger in the upstairs bedroom and refused to go to the Diary Room when summoned. Earlier this afternoon, Mildred – who is Nominated for … Read more
Mildred has threatened to snub tonight’s Eviction Show because she couldn’t do her desired hairstyle in the morning. The Ghanaian diva wanted Brazilian hair but the hairstylists didn’t have any and she flipped. At that time, her fellow nominees Eve and Edith were getting their hair spruced up. However, a desperate Tamara stood on the … Read more
Talia Cries After Seydou Leaves The House One of Zambian’s housemate in the Downville house, Talia shed tears after her ‘boyfriend’ Seydou left the house yesterday. Seydou and his Angolan housemate Esperanca agreed to leave the Big Brother Stargame house yesterday following the latter’s constant complains of the former not helping her in the house as pairs. Esperanca told Big Brother yesterday that, “I feel sorry for my partner and I wish things would be different. I’m stressed out, depressed and I am not going to put my health in danger.”
Keitta & Mildred in the diary room Keitta and Mildred seemed to be more in love than ever during their Diary Session. This is a far cry from just a week ago when the relationship seemed to have hit a speed bump. As soon as the pair sat down on the colourful Diary Room couch, Keitta threw a protective arm over his lady and lovingly looked into her eyes. This prompted Big Brother to ask why the two were smiling like the proverbial cat that got the cream.
Eazzy ‘Mildred’ & Keitta Keitta went into the Big Brother Stargame house as virtually unknown chap – yes not many people knew him except friends of his brother Reggie Rockstone and close associates his late dad Ricci Osei. He went in there as someone who was nursing a modelling career. So the fame after the show might help his career, that is, if he still wants to take modelling serious. Keitta unlike Eazzy ‘Mildred’ is not really known in Ghana but thanks to his celebrity family of dad, who was a top designer and rapper, and brother who kick started Hip Life.
Eazzy ‘Mildred’ & Keitta Gossip About Esperanca Nominated for possible eviction next Sunday, Ghanaian housemates in the Downville house, Mildred and her boyfriend Keitta have complained bitterly or gossiped to Big Brother about what they call ‘unfair treatment’ being meted out to Esperanca by her pair in the house Seydou. The Angolan housemates coming into the game as pairs, housemates are expected do to things in pairs but Seydou appears to have left Esperanca and doing his own things in the house.
Mildred will not stop being jealous and over protective of Keitta. As two of them have been nominated for a possible eviction next Sunday, her attitude might possibly infuriate viewers to kick them out of the game. In their diary room section with Big Brother, jealous Mildred complain about things Keitta does that she’s not … Read more
This morning, Lady May banned the boys from the ‘girls’ bedroom and promised to never enter the ‘boys’ room either. Lady May told Roki, who was watching Maneta brush her teeth, that he shouldn’t have entered their room earlier in the morning. Roki had gone into their room to check on Maneta. “It can’t be a boys chilling room,” Lady May insisted. Maneta couldn’t help laughing at Lady May’s sudden assertion. “But there’s Zainab and Goldie,” Maneta queried. However, Lady May had made up her mind and concluded; “No boys allowed.”
Roki & DKB The atmosphere in Upville was back to normal, and the Housemates didn’t seem too upset about Mampi’s departure. However, Zainab said that she’ll be celebrating Mampi tomorrow by playing one of her songs. Roki and DKB got into a fight about something quite trivial. We are not sure how and why the argument started. Apparently DKB made a joke about something to do with a song, teabags and Chris Brown. Roki flipped and the two got into a yelling match.
Maneta and Mampi It was that time of the week again that no Housemate looks forward to. Last week, three people were put up for eviction. It’s been a stressful seven days since Mampi, Lady May and Maneta were nominated. Tonight, Mampi was chosen to leave the House. The Zambian star had the least votes and is the first Upville Housemate to go. While the girls were getting ready half an hour before the show, Mampi said to Maneta, Prezzo and Barbz that she’s “very happy to be there but her heart is not.” Maneta then said that Mampi misses home. Do you think she’s happy and relieved to be going? The girls then put their bags downstairs, they could hear the crowd cheering next door, which made them, including us, nervous.
Roki Jumps Into Maneta's Bed Zimbabwean housemates in the Upville house Roki and Maneta got personal and cuddled in bed.
If our poll and the Housemates’ views are anything to go by, then Zainab has the most flava in StarGame. According to the Urban Dictionary, flava is “what makes a person different. Personality, style, whatever they’ve got that makes them unique from the next person.”
DKB During Nominations on Monday, Mampi put DKB on the chopping block, complaining that he has grown a big head and a massive ego since he became Head of House. In the early hours of this morning, DKB, Goldie, Prezzo and Roki gathered in the kitchen for a little conversation while their fellow Housemates slept. DKB expressed how unhappy he was when Big Brother chastised him for telling his clique who he Nominated. It would seem DKB told Roki, Prezzo and Goldie earlier in the day that he saved himself and put Lady May up for possible Eviction, thus contravening Big Brother’s Nomination rules. DKB seemed flabbergasted that Big Brother had the audacity to tackle him on this issue. We think DKB might be forgetting that this is Big Brother’s House and not his. It will be interesting how he copes next week considering that on Monday, Upville will have a new Head of House.
Comparing the three housemates from Ghana in the on-going Big Brother Stargame, DKB appears to be the best so far. Even though most people are not content with his cursing and his unnecessary use of abusive words, he has managed to imprint his name on the minds of viewers on the continent with little over two weeks in the house. In the Downville house, Mildred ‘Eazzy’ and her boyfriend Keitta look like they are in the game to add up to the numbers – at least the numbers Big Brother wanted in the house. Not to write them off, the only lovers in the house have been too careful in the house forgetting that, it’s only a game and viewers need to be entertained. Whiles other housemates bath freely – sometimes showing their private parts, Mildred and Keitta since the start of the show have been bathing in clothes – to the annoyance of ‘some’ viewers. [Check Out Exclusive Photos:1st Banging In The Big Brother Stargame? Luke Bonks Jessica After An Intimate Rub In Bed!] If people have paid money for entertainment, then the Ghanaian lovers are not providing any at all. GhanaCelebrities.Com can confirm that, Mildred’s over-protecting of Keitta is getting boring and annoying. If you are not ready for a competition from other girls, why go into a reality show with your ‘supposed’ boyfriend? Hmmm! Yesterday, the two lovers, showed each other some love early in the morning. They kissed passionately and smooched thoroughly under the sheets. They intermittently pull the blanket over them as they get too personal with themselves amidst touching, cuddling and fondling.
Eazzy 'Mildred' and boyfriend Keitta in the dairy room Mildred revealed in her Diary Session this afternoon that life in the House is much better now that Zainab is not around. According to the Ghanaian lass, Zainab was making blatant advances at her man, Keitta and she was unhappy about that. Keitta sat back quietly, with a sheepish look on his face as Mildred poured her heart out. When asked for his comment on the Zainab issue, Keitta admitted that Zainab seemed to have feelings for him, but he was not attracted to her.
Zainab Dalphin, Yadel and Luke’s participation in Big Brother StarGame came to an end on Sunday (20 May) after they received the fewest country votes this week – but Zainab headed into Upville to join the VIP housemates, having received the most country votes. Life is about to get a little harder for the Upville VIPs though – after 14 cozy days living the high life, they will have their first nomination sessions on Monday (21 May) and someone will be evicted during next Sunday’s live eviction show! Prior to Dalphin, Yadel and Luke’s eviction, two other housemates had already left the game this week, as Ola and Chris voluntarily departed Downville due to Ola’s health concerns. The show kicked off with a roof-raising performance by Kenyan hip-hop stars Camp Mulla, performing Fresh All Day. With Duma FM’s Robbie Rob from Botswana on the decks as well, the scene was set for a rocking eviction show. IK reminded Africa of the week that was in both Downville and Upville, which saw the BBF’s lose their 75% wager and play a serious game of Spin the Bottle, while the VIP’s were successful with their task but also saw Big Brother put his foot down to rein in DKB and Prezzo’s animosity toward each other. Newcomer Maneta also made waves in Upville, with Roki devoting a whole lot of his attention to her!