In a shocking incident on New Year’s Eve, a drunken police officer in Zambia released 13 suspects from custody so they could celebrate the arrival of the new year. Detective Inspector Titus Phiri, reportedly intoxicated, forcefully took the cell keys from a constable and unlocked both the male and female cells, allowing the suspects to walk free.
According to police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga, Phiri instructed the detainees to leave, telling them they were “free to cross over into the new year.” Out of the 15 suspects in custody, 13 managed to escape before Phiri fled the scene. The suspects, accused of crimes including assault, robbery, and burglary, are now on the run, prompting a manhunt by the police.
The incident has sparked widespread reactions, with former presidential spokesperson and lawyer Dickson Jere sharing a humorous yet reflective comment on Facebook: “I keep laughing each time I picture the scenario – comical! But then, I remembered a similar incident in 1997.” Jere recalled how, on New Year’s Eve in 1997, the late High Court Judge Kabazo Chanda controversially ordered the release of 53 suspects, some considered dangerous by the police.
The police are now investigating Phiri’s actions while working to recapture the escaped suspects. Meanwhile, Phiri has not yet commented on the allegations.