King Paluta, the talented rapper-turned-singer, recently appeared on The Delay Show, where he opened up about his chances of winning the prestigious Artiste of the Year award at the upcoming Telecel Ghana Music Awards. With hit songs like Aseda, Makoma, and For The Popping dominating the airwaves in 2024, Paluta has become a strong contender for the top prize.
During his conversation with Deloris Frimpong Manso, Paluta expressed a mix of confidence and humility. “It could happen, but I don’t want to brag,” he said. “Some people think I should boast, but I prefer to stay humble all the time.”
Reflecting on his achievements over the past year, he pointed to his consistent hard work and chart-topping hits as proof of his impact on the music scene. “This year, who has really delivered the biggest hits? I’m not saying others haven’t done well, but who is reigning? King Paluta King!” he declared.
Watch his interview with Delay below..