Afrobeats icon Davido lit up the stage at the extravagant wedding of Indian media personality Alkesh Thavrani and his partner, Sheetal Mazda, held in Udaipur, India, on December 13, 2024. The star wowed the crowd with energetic performances of his smash hits, including “If,” “Unavailable,” “Feel,” “Awuke,” and his latest track, “Funds.”
The performance sparked widespread buzz, with rumors circulating that Davido was paid a staggering $10 million for the event. In response, the singer took to his Instagram story, tagging the groom and jokingly asking for his “balance.” His playful comment hinted at the impressive fee he received while keeping fans guessing about the exact amount.
Videos of Davido’s performance quickly went viral, drawing admiration from fans and cementing his reputation as a global entertainer. While the rumored payment remains a mystery, one thing is clear: Davido’s talent and star power continue to captivate audiences worldwide.
Davido was paid $10m to perform at a royal wedding in India, see how the crowd is going crazy for him. Davido is going to give you a show worth your money. 🤯🚀
— Lewi (@LEWINSKl) December 13, 2024