Controversial self-acclaimed woman of God, Evangelist Patricia Oduro Koranteng, popularly known as Nana Agradaa, has replied her critics following her failed prophecy that Dr Mahamudu Bawumia would win Ghana’s presidential election.
After Dr Bawumia conceded defeat and congratulated Mahama for winning the 2024 elections, Nana Agradaa was seen dancing while waving NDC flag at her church. This action of her sparked outrage with people calling her out for giving a fake prophecy.
Responding to the backlash, Agradaa confidently stated, “This election has made me popular,” adding that she is not the first person to make a false prophecy. She defended her actions, claiming that even renowned prophets have had predictions proven wrong.
Agradaa added that, she is the only prophetess who is bold enough to come out and defend herself. She was asked to go back to her shrine especially after declaring that she would stop being an evangelist if Dr Bawumia doesn’t win the elections.
See the video below;