Bishop Kwabena Asiamah, also known as Ajagurajah, has shared a surprising fact about his religious group, the Ajagurajah Movement. According to him, neither he nor his followers vote during elections.
In an interview with Smart Ghana on December 5, 2024, Ajagurajah explained that their decision not to vote is based on their belief that it is God who chooses leaders. “My church members and I don’t vote. I’ve never voted in my life. I will leave Ghana before December 7 and return only after the results are announced,” he said.
He further explained that the group believes God is in control of who becomes a leader, so they trust in His plan, no matter the outcome of the elections. Ajagurajah also commented on the many prophecies being shared about the elections.“Everyone is sharing their opinions. I’ve told my children that I know who is right in all the controversies, and I know who will cry someday,” he hinted cryptically.
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