Kumawood actor Ogyam has strongly criticized fellow Kumawood actress Christiana Awuni after she called out actress Portia Asare in a recent interview. During the interview, Awuni didn’t mince words, labelling Portia a hypocrite, disrespecting some of her colleagues and gossiping about them behind their backs.
In response, Ogyam fired back at Christiana Awuni, saying, “If we’re looking for someone who is greedy, a liar, and hateful, it’s you, Christiana Awuni. That’s your character everywhere. You are self-centered, and the behavior you’re displaying in the industry is not good.”
Ogyam defended Portia, stating that she likely had her reasons for saying what she did.
He also questioned Awuni’s silence on the death of Bishop Bernard Nyarko, whom she allegedly dated. Ogyam accused Awuni of failing to speak out about Bishop’s death. “You shared the same bed with him. If anyone is to be blamed for what happened to him, you should be the number one suspect,” Ogyam stated.
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