Fans of Ayisha Modi have showered praises on her for going out of her way to expose Diamond Appiah for the evil person she is. Diamond Appiah as usual took to her Instagram page to mock Ayisha Modi on her newly opened Restaurant.
According to Diamond, Ayisha Modi was too broke to open a fancy restaurant in an expensive neighborhood hence the reason she chose to open a cheap local bar.
Diamond Appiah who claims to be a millionaire has always bragged about having multiple businesses bringing her multiple streams of income.
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However, reacting to this, some fans of Ayisha Modi who are tired of the jealousy of Diamond Appiah compared her to the devil.
According to some fans of Ayisha Modi, Diamond Appiah’s jealousy has clouded her judgment thereby preventing her from seeing the good things people are doing.
Ayisha Modi also took it upon herself to reveal how delusional Diamond Appiah is. She asked her to stop wasting her time gossiping about her and focus on making money.
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