A participant of the popular Date Rush show, Efya Dragon has disclosed in a recent interview on Ghpage that she never liked bathing.
According to Efya Dragon, the only time she bathes is when she has to go out or is expecting a visitor. Efya explained that it’s the reason her skin color isn’t glowing as it used to.
Meanwhile, The former lover of the founder and leader of Common Sense Group, Avram Moshe has called him out for being a liar.
Efya Dragon who is a participant of the popular Daterush show on TV3 revealed in a recent interview on GhPage how Avram Moshe lied to her.
According to Efya Dragon, contrary to what Avram Moshe is blabbing about on social media, he never rented a three-bedroom house for her nor contributed to her beautiful skin.
She also reiterated that ever since she got her date Alejandro on Date Rush, Avram Moshe has been trying to ruin the relationship with threats.