Actress Xandy Kamel has shared a video of herself, narrating a sad reality of her current status with certain friends whose contacts she keeps.
She has been pondering the issue for days but has finally encouraged herself to share it.
She opened with a rhetorical, asking if her audience has considered the actual state of the relationships; they keep the owners of contacts they store on their phones.
She went on to ask if her audience considered such contacts to be friends and if the feeling was reciprocated.
To cut a long story short, Xandy declared that, unfortunately, 90% of the contacts in her phone are useless.
Her reason for saying this is that none of them was available to stand with her during her difficult time.
However, she is always the one called upon to intercede whenever all of them go through their struggles.
Being a kind-hearted person, who goes all out for her loved ones, she lets herself get used to cleaning the mess of her useless contact.
It has suddenly hit her that none of them will ever reciprocate the real show of love she has for them.
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Meanwhile, check out the entire statement in the video below.
SOURCE: GhanaCelebrities.Com