Award winning singer and Asuoden hitmaker Sista Afia has always been endowed, but Efia Odo claims she’s had her body done.
She certainly has a massive tundra to show, and whether it’s from God or artificially augmented, it’s an impressive specimen.
Bofowaa Ciara, the wife (or ex-wife?) of Rev Obofour, is yet another celebrity believed to have gone under the knife.
Afia Schwarzenegger lifted the lid on her surgery during a beef between the two.
Bofowaa is a modern day sofo maame, very interested in looks and always flaunting her surgically enhanced body.
Dancehall superstar Shatta Wale’s baby mama, Michy is also a suspected member of this surgical gang.
Michy was once mocked for her flat chest, so she kind of decided to get medical help and raise its size.
She had b**b surgery and now owns a pair of massive melons completely different from her former fallen towers.
This post was published on August 14, 2022 5:40 PM
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