Moesha Boduong has always been a con artist. Therefore, it is not surprising that she has now found faith and Jesus Christ, the master con-artist.
It’s the same faith and Jesus Christ that Nana Agraada also found a few months ago—after her fetish priest enterprise collapsed right in front of her. I hope you are smart enough to spot the pattern—what usually follows after a disastrous fall.
Moesha is a known social media brand, one that is synonymous with prostitution, lies, deception, and fraud. These are industry trade secrets employed by almost all those she partied with, competed with, and lived the depressing life disguised as thrilling with.
It’s not just Moesha. A lot of those we tag Ghanaian Celebrities or Socialites are depressed—living in a confused state of affairs and as the clock ticks, they will soon wither like grass.

The latest video of Moesha circulating online is both humiliating and comforting. Humiliating because she is a human being and comforting because it feels great to see people paying for their fuckery in life.
This is just the beginning of the many chops of schadenfreude that the Ghanaian Entertainment industry will deliver to us—as a result of the tenacity of some people to live beyond their means by whatever means possible.
No one asked or compelled Moesha to go about sleeping with men for money and so that she can buy a Range Rover and deceive her credulous followers that she has “arrived” when she has not even traveled anywhere yet.
So why should anyone feel genuinely sorry for her—that her chosen craft which she self-garnished with weed, crack, probably orgies too and all manner of nonsense has abruptly ended in such a disruptive state?
To hell with her half-baked confessions. That’s not necessary—those who admired her, stole from her style, or competed with her wouldn’t suddenly change because she has lost the race. The years of debauchery were her own choice.
As I wrote some months back, a quick glance at the social media platforms, be it Instagram or Tiktok of most Ghanaian Celebrities or Slay Queens, would confirm that there is a far cheaper version of Moesha in almost all of them. Photos and videos of their butts pushed into the air as a pose for the camera have taken over their pages.
“It’s not only the objectification of their bodies, the hallmark of Moesha that has become ubiquitous among these people, there seems to have been a mass body enhancement conference which we missed. A lot of those we call celebrities, ashawobrities, and slay queens go to sleep with flat bums and undefined hips, and wake up with humongous butts and tiny-waists’—all so that they can earn where they have not worked.
Moesha is really a pacesetter and a solid industry inspirer.
However, her woes as we’ve witnessed take shape are just hers. As she battles the demons she invited into her life, let the others carry out as nothing short of unimaginable disgrace can defeat their obsession.
For we wait, to see their end too, which will be soon.
People who do not want to do any genuine work, and yet want to live a sky-high lifestyle deserve whatever this choice fetches them in life.