Social media users have reacted with anger and bemusement after Nana Aba Anamoah managed to obtain numerous job offers for a graduate working at a washing bay in just one day.
People cannot understand how so many jobs have been offered to this one graduate after Nana Aba highlighted his story yet millions of other graduates have been searching for jobs for years with no successful results.
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To them, this just highlights the canker of ‘who you know’ which has made finding a job in Ghana so difficult!
Nana Aba Anamoah recently highlighted the story of a graduate who she spotted working at a washing bay due to being unable to find a job after graduating.
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This same graduate had searched for a job for years but could not find and hence had to work at the washing bay to make ends meet.
After Anamoah highlighted his story, she has revealed that numerous people have hit her up offering the guy a job!
The same job he was searching for so long without obtaining has arrived from different angles in just a day, simply because of Nana Aba Anamoah.
Evidently finding a job in Ghana is not about what you know but who you know and that’s what social media users are pointing out.
Checkout the reactions below…SWIPE for more.
Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com