
Meet the Sane And Heartless Ghanaian TV Host Who Married Her Husband to Spite Her Boyfriend Who Broke Her Heart

Ghanaian TV Host-Tima Kumkum has revealed that she got another man to spend money on wedding her—and also she sent her life with this man and he did the same with her—just to spite her ex-boyfriend who broke her heart.

Tima Kumkum

And she is perfectly sane—perhaps grossly wicked to have done that to another man—and eventually the marriage broke down as anyone would expect.

It’s painful to hear such stories. Why marry an innocent person as part of your revenge plot—where does caring about the other person come in?

She actually stated in her interview with Delay that she was not in love with her ex-husband at the time of the marriage—clearly indicating how selfish and wicked she is.

And now that she is single, she says she needs another man as she is lonely. Who is ready to take a life risk with such a careless heart? Probably, our man Elikem!  

This post was published on January 22, 2021 7:07 PM