Comic actor Richmond Xavier Amoakoh, popularly known as Lawyer Nti due to his character from ‘Kejetia Vs Makola’, has posted a photo of his mangled car after he was involved in an accident.
Lawyer Nti revealed the accident occurred on Wednesday, June 3rd, and he sustained a slight injury but otherwise walked away unscathed.
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“When you say a prayer, say Thank You to God for me. Came out shaken, with a teeny tiny scratch on my leg and a heart full gratitude for my life and that of everyone else who was involved. 03/06/20,” he revealed.
Laywer Nti added a photo of the condition his car was in following the crash.
His accident comes on the same day actor Prince David Osei also revealed he survived a similar accident.
Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com