
BUSTED: All the Evidence Confirming That Salma Mumin Has Also Fixed Her Butt Like Moesha

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Since it has been established that Moesha is the new standard—and the prayer point of almost all the Ghanaian Celebrities, Ashowbrities and Slay Queens, we will spend the next few months gathering pieces of evidence to bust those who have gotten their bodies fixed, the Moesha style.

Salma Mumin

The Founding Editor of GhanaCelebrities.Com-Chris-Vincent’s recent article on the sinking standard of our industry girls is pushing us to find and showcase all those whose bodies seem to have been fixed to compete with Moesha.

And today, the radar is on actress- Salma Mumin.

A common trait of those who fix their butts is that they suddenly start flaunting their backsides in an aggressive manner as they are marketing it to some unknown clients, and that is what Salma Mumin has recently been doing—prompting us to compare her old and recent photos.

Considering the huge contrast between her old flat bum captured in her old photos and the now well-shaped bum bum, our honest opinion is that, there has been some fixing there.

Check out the photos below…

The new photos

Salma Mumin
Salma Mumin

The old photos

Salma Mumin
Salma Mumin
Salma Mumin

Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com

This post was published on May 29, 2020 9:17 PM

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