Congratulations is the least one can say to actress Tracey Boakye for giving birth to baby number two safely but like most things in life one can draw on this to look at the idea of motherhood.
The antics of Tracey for several years speak for themselves and she is not alone in the celebrity world when it comes to questionable behaviours and antics with Afia Schwar leading the pack and closely followed by Akuapem Poloo.
Motherhood as a noun is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as the state of being a mother with a mother defined by the same dictionary as a female parent and that is what majority of the women procreating today are. Many are just biological vessels which are used to store babies for 9 months before they are introduced to the world.
The verb definition of a mother is what most women should aim for but better should be the standard and pride of every woman who has had the privilege of childbirth not the fact that you gave birth. The verb version of mother is defined as “to treat a person with great kindness and love and to try to protect them from anything dangerous or difficult” according to the Cambridge dictionary. The question one should ask is how many women can claim to be anywhere close to this definition.
A woman in Kenya displayed this perfectly during the recent lockdown in the country. Like the widow in the bible who gave her last penny in the synagogue, this woman could not bear the sight of her kids crying because of food so she proceeded to pretend to cook by placing stones in a cooking pot and placing it on the fire. Although she was not ready to feed her kids stones, she knew the sight will cheer them up and stop them from crying.
How many celebrities are putting the interest of their children first? Take for instance Shatta Michy and Shatta Wale. According to Shatta Wale, he was refused access to his kid after the breakup of their relationship although that situation has since been resolved. Funny Face in a recent video lamented about a similar issue with gospel artist Joyce Blessing caught on video demanding her kids from the sister of her “ex-husband”. The fight between Nigerian actress Tonto Dikeh and her ex-husband for child custody and visitation is well documented with both writing vile things about each other on social media.
Children need both parents in their lives in order to have a balanced upbringing and childhood. The same reason one is less likely to feed their child just proteins or carbohydrates but rather balanced diet even though both are good on their own means both parents are essential in the lives of children.