Reno Omokri
Reno Omokri is on with his nuggets— today he is not attacking President Buhari whom he has sworn to make his presidency a living hell until he serves the people well.
Reno says he has no sympathy for single mother and Twitter users have gone bonkers about it.
Reno says he knows he would sound harsh to lots of people but he would free his mind anyways. Reno says he has no sympathy for single mothers who beg on the basis that they are single.
Reno further says he advocates against premarital consummation and if anyone would get themselves into it, they should at least protect themselves.
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All that Reno is saying is, there are so many things a single mother can do cater to their child rather than use motherhood and being a single parent to beg for money.
Twitter fans as expected are not happy with his submission and some have come at him for it.
This post was published on April 7, 2020 8:23 PM
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