Stand up comedian and satiric television show host, Kwaku Sintim-Misa known as KSM has directed his energy at blasting false Prophets in Ghana.
KSM did not go easy on these acclaimed men of God for failing to predict the global pandemic COVID-19, calling them LYING CLOWNS.
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Some well known pastors, on 31st of December 2019, gave a number of prophesies which they claim is a message from the Lord.
KSM on his twitter page quizzed why the Lord was able to predict the results of an election that will be held in December but failed to mention an outbreak of a virus in March.
In his usual satire, KSM mimicked a conversation with God questioning why he forgot to warn the world of COronavirus through his prophets.
He tweeted;
Dear God, On the 31st, you told your prophets about the results of the 2020 election, but you forgot to mention that Corona was coming? Oh why?
GOD: I am surprised some of u still trust those LYING CLOWNS
SOURCE: GhanaCelebrities.Com