A virus spreading across the globe and killing thousands of people has nothing to do with God or the so-called spiritual world. This is a disease, that we ought to battle with science and technology as we did to Ebola, Malaria and others during their early days.
In most of the civilised and advanced countries like China, the United States, UK and Germany, scientists and tech gurus are rapidly testing new drugs/vaccines as well as kits to slow down the pandemic and eventually beat it. Even Elon Musk has announced that Tesla and SpaceX may join in to manufacture much-needed ventilators.
But in the West African country of Ghana, where 100 million dollars has been promised by the Government to fight the pandemic in the country—the President, Nana Akufo Addo invited his powerful pastors this morning to pray for divine intervention in the fight against coronavirus.
It’s a joke but for real.
Even Italy, the home of God and the Pope on earth has shut down and has entrusted the fight to scientists—because that’s the sensible thing to do.
The white folks who brought the religion we’ve absurdly taken over are courageously fighting the pandemic with science and technology—without any call for a celestial intervention. Yet, Ghana, a secular state is hosting prayer sections with the President in attendance to fight a virus.
So, God sat down for several people to die in China, Italy, United States, Iran and others—and he is a position to suddenly descend down from heaven, to protect Ghana because a bunch of people claiming to be his representative on earth from Ghana are shouting into the air?
We need to be serious, sometimes.
Interestingly, the same government of Ghana is refusing to strictly enforce WHO’s social distancing scientific advice by not halting an on-going NIA mass registration.
Check out the photos below…