Many people will be quick to condemn the likes of Queen Farcadi for what they get up to out here but will praise the likes of Yvonne Nelson and Princess Shyngle for doing something similar.
Farcadi in a recent interview with Delay admitted that she is a lazy girl who is only interested in the easiest way to a comfortable life. Because of that, she is happy to exchange her body to make a quick buck and is not ashamed of it. This statement is not only bold but also shows how well she knows herself.
This is a woman who knows what she wants and is happy to pursue it without pretence. Yes she does send n*des to men for money and is happy to sleep with them in exchange for money but she isn’t the only one doing this.
Princess Shyngle, Yaa Jackson and Akuapem Poloo all have questionable pictures and videos on social media, but they will be quick to point out that Queen Farcadi is a prostitute. Shyngle’s admits to men showering her with gifts and holidays but we all know what she exchanges for these benefits.
Yvonne Nelson has a baby with her friend’s husband, and we can all speculate that she didn’t sleep with him for no reason. I can guarantee she benefited somehow, and I don’t mean by becoming a mother.
Is about time these girls step up like Queen Farcadi has done and remove the mask so that we can see them for who they really are.
Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com