Wendy Shay, to me, is the definition of a wig-wearing bimbo—and she is not even ashamed of her ignorance.
In the last few days, the Ghanaian artist whose IQ seems to be really low has been making noise about an existing directive or policy from the FDA which prohibits celebrities in Ghana from endorsing alcoholic beverages.
A few years ago, the FDA saw it prudent to institute a policy which prohibited Ghanaian celebrities from helping to sell alcoholic beverages in the country—on the back of the logic that these celebrities have a huge fan base of children and young adults, who can easily be influenced.
The FDA policy, in short, barred all Ghanaian Celebrities from advertising for or endorsing alcoholic beverages and it has been lauded by every right-thinking person—considering the high rate at which various bitters are introduced to the market each year.
Then comes Wendy Shay.
Earlier this week, she went on a rant on social media, claiming that this FDA policy has caused her to miss an endorsement deal or opportunity with an alcoholic company that would have fetched her thousands of dollars. So she sort of called on the FDA to repeal this policy as it’s unfair to artists like her.
The FDA wasted their time by responding to her—explaining the rationale behind the perfectly sane policy. The FDA wrote: “Dear Wendy Shay Official, The guidelines on the advertisement of food states clearly that no well-known personality or professional shall be used in alcoholic beverage advertisement.”
The FDA added:
“The FDA is not trying to take food away from your mouth but rather trying to protect the young ones who idolise you from the abuse of alcohol. On the other hand, we can collaborate with you to use your influence to educate the youth against alcohol abuse.”
Now, Wendy Shay is back with an argument that even the dumbest student of UPS wouldn’t make—that if the FDA really wants to protect children, then they should not be approving any alcoholic beverage in Ghana, an exercise they charge a fee for.
What Wendy Shay’s ignorant and cockroach brain cannot seem to appreciate is that the FDA is regulating the sale and reach of alcoholic beverages in a manner that is reasonable to protect the vulnerable.
For instance, while the sale of alcohol is legal—we cannot argue that because we have sanctioned its sale, then we should allow it to be sold to everyone, including to children.
But this is what Wendy Shay’s logic comes to—that the FDA approval of alcoholic beverages, an exercise it charges a fee for the State by doing is only fair, if they allow her to also make money from these same alcoholic beverages by helping to sell them to everyone, including children and young adults.
What a fool, called Wendy Shay.