Ghanaian actress Martha Ankamah has also commented on the Cardi B saga that it was funny.
The actress when asked why she wasn’t at the meet and greet tried to let it slide with laughter but had to answer since it was asked over and over again.
Speaking in an interview with ZionFelix she said it was very funny and unfortunate that some celebs had to be there for hours to see the American rapper.
“It was so funny, I don’t want to comment. I didn’t get her share of the Khebab (chinchinga) which was consumed by Cardi B,” she jokingly said.
READ ALSO: Sister Derby And Lydia Forson Denies Being At Kempinski For Cardi B’s ‘Meet And Greet’ – Video
SOURCE: GhanaCelebrites.Com
This post was published on December 10, 2019 6:35 PM
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