STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are a major focus for governments, service providers, and policymakers. In 2015, more than 1.5 million individuals were registered with chlamydia; that is 5.9% more than the previous year. Similar cases were noted for gonorrhea, with more than 400,000 individuals infected, which is 12.8% more than the year before. Secondary syphilis has increased by 19% and infected more than 24,000 individuals.
The spread of these infections has been a serious challenge to manage for the past decades; the Republic of Ghana is no exception. Back in 2002, the most infected were between the ages of 15-24. This epidemic was a common issue for most of the population.
But, despite the success in reducing HIV infections in recent years, Ghana still has a serious problem with stigmatization and discrimination, especially for people living with STDs. As a result, many fears to get tested and completely ignore the infection, leaving it to manifest in the system. If left untreated, STDs can have a huge impact on overall health. They can cause numerous health problems, and some may even result in stillbirths, infertility, and death. Ghanamedicals offers a new way to solve this problem with STD tests that can be bought online.
Buying STD Tests Online
Everyone deserves a healthy and safe sex life. Many young individuals who are sexually active fail to realize the importance of basic preventive and that it can improve their sex life. Getting tested should be a top priority for anyone who is sexually active, no matter how young or old.
The future of STD tests is here. Instead of going to the doctor, people can have easier access to STD tests. Ghanamedicals offers STD tests that can be purchased online and delivered to your doorstep. This is a simple way to address the problem of stigmatization and discrimination. It’s private, discreet, and no one else must get involved.
The Stigma of STDs
To raise awareness about STDs, many programs are held all around Ghana. The idea is to help people realize the negative impact of STDs, understand the infection, and speak freely about it. Talking with a medical care provider and asking to get tested can stop the spread of the disease.
However, very few people get tested, the main reason being the stigma. In Ghana, if you openly talk about having an STD, you risk getting left out by the family. Particularly mothers abandon their daughter. Once you’ve been marked by society, it’s hard to make ends meet.
People are terrified of the virus, particularly HIV. If a person is bedridden, that’s an even bigger problem. They can’t work on the farm and bring food to the table. People are just not daring enough to approach someone they know it’s infected.
The Benefits of Buying STD Tests Online
The easier it is to get to tests, the better the chances of people getting tested. If more individuals get tested, they have a better chance of treating their STDs and avoiding spreading the infection.
While this is a relatively new way to sell STD tests in Ghana, the world already knows about it, and it isn’t new. This concept brings in an improved version of the current ways STD tests are done. Here are benefits on how buying STD tests online can make a change:
- You can get tested at anytime and anyplace.
- No one has to know you have it.
- People can catch STDs early on before they manifest into a serious disease.
- It’s possible to test yourself right after having unprotected sex, or the condom broke.
- Anyone can do a test before and after having a new partner
- It’s easy to do a test before and after the infection has cleared.
Having quick and easy access to STD tests is crucial for dodging the stigma and discrimination surrounding these infections. Buying tests online allows more people to engage and evaluate their health without having to worry about who knows about their current situation. The more people get tested, the faster they are going to receive treatment and stop the spread of these diseases. While this is a new concept for Ghana, it has a lot to offer. Feel free to check the websites that offer this kind of products like Ghanamedicals. This step could revolutionize the way STDs are diagnosed in the country.