Nana Tonardo & Afia Schwarzenegger
When previous best friends become mortal enemies, all the secrets they used to share together in happiness become weapons to be used against each other.
That’s the case with Nana Tornado and Afia Schwarzenegger, who are now enemies and constantly attack each other.
Nana Tornado a while back alleged that Afia is a lesbian, and it’s a claim he continues to make every chance he gets.
Recently, during an appearance on ETV’s s*x chat show ‘In Bed with Adwen’, he once again brought up Afia.
According to him, the comedienne cannot keep a man because her house is a foul place, constantly smelling of weed, hard drugs and saliva which no man can stand.
Tornado advised ladies to create a romantic atmosphere in their homes to enable them to keep their men.
Watch Tornado in the video below…
Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com
This post was published on October 21, 2019 10:53 AM
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