Ghana High Commission, London
The Ghanaian High Commission in the U.K has released a belligerent and largely irresponsible rejoinder to GhanaCelebrities.Com‘s recent article, authored by Founding Editor Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, highlighting what a pain in the butt it is to deal with staff at the Commission.
In the vein of the current government declaring themselves corruption-free by clearing every allegation of corruption aimed at them, the staff of the High Commission declared their services wonderful and world-class and all complaining Ghanaians – from Chris-Vincent to his friends who inspired the article and the myriad negative comments from social media users with experience of the mission – as somewhat invalid.
The statement – inasmuch as one can call it one, so poorly was it written and formatted – displayed all the hallmarks of the Ghanaian customer service mentality which fuels their poor service that we always have to complain about – unearned arrogance and entitlement.
One might think that in the face of widespread social media uproar in response to Chris-Vincent’s article, with 99.99% of respondents revealing their own experiences and frustration with the mission and other Ghanaian missions, not to mention the Ghana High Commission article categorically supporting the conclusions reached – that the response would be more measured, self-reflective and aimed at implementing solutions to repair their damaged public image.
Instead we get this belligerent and childish posturing which unfortunately is just a reflection of the overall position of the Ghanaian civil service, which invariably responds to criticism of its poor service by getting more defensive instead of looking to solve the issues raised.
Rather than pretend everything is rosy when it’s clearly not, as the responses by Ghanaians by and large show; the High Commission should look at implementing some solutions to their poor services. A simple search bar on their website to aid customer enquiries is amiss and they have the temerity to balk at criticism.
Probably to escape having to deal with angry customers livid at poor service, the Commission also does not have a simple email or phone team where you can send a complaint or feedback of their services.
A customer service provision institution without feedback or complaints unit is one that actually does not care about what service user think about their performance.
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As they choose to wallow in their smug superiority and completely disregard the hustle of Ghanaians simply looking for a quality service, the reaction of the people of the ground completely invalidates their stance that everything is excellent at their institution, and unsurprisingly even replies under their rejoinder on Ghanaweb simply proves the point that they are purposely being dense to avoid having to deal with responsibility.
Read the various comments from the public below….
Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com
This post was published on September 12, 2019 10:26 AM
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