Actress Rosemond Alade Brown known popularly known as Akwapim Poloo is on the same sea with the Efia Odo’s and Princess Shyngle’s except that they are paddling a different canoe.
When it comes to baring their skin and displaying what no one has even asked to see. In plain language, they are popular because of that definitely not because of the roles they play in movies.
Akwapim Poloo has shared a picture of herself and the iconic Okyeame Kwame and her dress is not typical conspicuous ones she throws on herself as dresses.
When it comes to style, class, and fashion generally, we all know Okyeame Kwame is on top there and the mall hallmarks decency.
The long and short of it all is, when you are meeting persons like Okyeame Kwame, you just cannot dress anyhow… this is a clear proof of that.