Often times, people make it look like money plays no role in a relationship and they could care less about it but the truth, money more than play just a role in a relationship. We are safe to say many relationships thrive on money and that is not even erroneous.
Even the simplest of a loving gesture is quite achievable with money and that exactly is the point South African actress and Being Bonang wants to point. In a series of Tweets, she talks about the pivotal role money plays in a relationship, establishing that no one is asking anyone to be ‘dirty rich’ yet something substantive has to go one for them especially men.
“FACT: Nobody wants a broke boyfriend. Am not saying he must be a millionaire or a billionaire. But something must be done. Something must happen. Simple. Rather stay single. And do your own thing.
“That’s what am talking about…do something. Keep the relationship moving. Girls settle for less, for guys that don’t do any don’t work or try to support nyana for the sake of sex. No ways. A Relationship must grow. Get married have kids build a family. A man must do what’s best.”
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