
Africa Stand Up! The Movement To Unite African Musicians To Compete The World Is Here – ‘The Taste Of Afrika’

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Unity they say is strength, a saying which is amplified by how a broom is difficult to break when together but easily broken when they’re singled out. Similarly to Tenontaaba, an expression in Talensi which spells out how the teeth and tongue quarrel occasionally but come together to achieve a common goal.

The Taste Of Afrika Logo

Perhaps “The Taste of Afrika”, a movement to unite African musicians to compete the world, got its inspiration from the above-mentioned expressions portraying the ultimate significance of the virtue called unity.

Regardless, our geopolitical divisions as Africans happen to be artificial and have remained the greatest barrier to development on the continent, however, our music unification is something commendable. The main reason why “The Taste of Afrika” seeks to ride on music to bring ultimate development in unity across the continent.

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So, “The Taste of Afrika” which is championed by Boundaryless Media (Tengol K. Kplemani) and Vic Law Production (Dr. Victor Lawton), is resolved to exploit African music by bringing together acts from different countries to tour around the continent.

As it stands, the participating countries are Ghana, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Gabon, Ethiopia, Gambia, Senegal, Cote D’Ivoire, Uganda, Mali, Kenya and Nigeria. Consequently, “The Taste of Afrika” will bring on board musicians from the above-mentioned countries to stage different concerts in a chosen country at a time.

The Taste of Afrika Symbol

The official launch of “The Taste of Afrika” is slated for July 17, 2019, at an adaptive venue yet to be communicated by Ghana Tourism Authority and we’ll keep you updated before the official launch of the African music movement of the moment, “The Taste of Afrika”.

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This post was published on June 19, 2019 8:39 AM

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