Against all odds and all the laws of logic and common sense, Afia Schwarzenegger, aka the ‘Queen’, has managed to land herself a new job.
Afia has joined Radio XYZ as a radio presenter, announcing the news with some joy on social media.
Throughout the years, Afia has had more employers than beefs with her enemies, which for someone who picks a new fight everyday is no mean feat.
Her numerous jobs, whether at the Despite Group of Companies, the EIB network or more recently TV Africa, always ends badly for all involved. Yet for some reason people never learn and keep employing her.
Struggling XYZ has decided to take a chance on her, probably to get whatever hype they can get out of her before their inevitable break-up down the line.
When that happens, we’re going to be here to report on it as usual, unless Afia has changed her slothful, drug addled ways. Probably not.
Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com