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I’m Don’t Pretend to Be What I’m Not, I’m Not Perfect but 100% Authentic — Moesha Boduong

Actress Moesha Boduong celebrated her birthday over the weekend, taking the opportunity to flood social media with more raunchy photos of herself.

Moesha dressed herself up as a gangster with most of her ‘nufuo’ showing, deciding that her birthday gift to the world is to show off more of her body parts.

Moesha often gets criticized for this obsessive need to show off skin on social media, which is all part of her plan to show the sugar daddies out there what she has to offer.

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Moesha has decided to respond to the critics in a post on her favourite platform Instagram, revealing she doesn’t give a hoot what others think of her.

According to her, she’s only living life to make herself happy. She said she know she’s not perfect but she’s real and that’s all that matters to her.

“I am💯Me.I don’t pretend to be anything I am not and I don’t change for anyone. Like or leave it. I stand up for what I believe in and speak my mind. I am not perfect, I’m authentic. Hate me or love me ❤️I am free ❤️I am living my life ❤️life is short ❤️pisces queen.” she posted.

Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com

This post was published on March 11, 2019 9:51 AM