Lynx Entertainment signee, Kuami Eugene has been ‘chopping’ hard Wendy Shay and almost raped one chopbar girl according to notorious SnapChat user FatP**055.
She alleged that Kuami Eugene chopped Wendy Shay at Achimota parks hotel and wanted to go lowkey about it but unfortunately the receptionist exposed him ─like seriously? That’s unprofessional of the receptionist.
She went on that Kuami Eugene used KFC food (Ghc15 streetwise) to chop a girl and contracted gonorrhoea after the banging encounter.
Again, Kuami Eugene almost raped another girl in his chamber and hall house after the girl refused to have s*xual intercourse with him.
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He then called his London-based girlfriend in front of the girl just to make her jealous. The fillas are too much, just take a look at the screenshots below.