
I’m Still Single And Happy – As Usual, Sister Derby Denies Banging A 21-Year-Old Footballer

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As usual of Ghanaian celebrities, Sister Derby has denied warming the bed of 21-year-old Ghanaian Belgium-based footballer and we are also not surprised.

Remember Yvonne Nelson’s pregnancy, she also denied it and swore Heaven and Earth after broke the news and Lo and behold, she gave birth finally and vindicated us.

Sister Derby in a tweet says she is still single and not dating after Medikal dumped her:

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“Because I’m not talking, amateur blogs are creating false news about me. Let me make this clear, I’m all for the truth. I was happy in my previous relationship, but I am very happy now being single. Let me enjoy pls”.

Apparently, Sister Derby is trying all her best to keep this relationship very private looking at how her relationship with Medikal ended.



This post was published on January 31, 2019 8:36 AM

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