
The Only Way to Get Movie Roles in Ghana Is Through ‘Whom You Know’ — Don Little Laments

Corruption is such a widespread problem in Ghana that we have been forced to accept its effects, such as nepotism, as an obvious fact of life.

Everyone and their mother in Ghana knows that the easiest way to get a job is to know someone at whatever organization you want to work with, failing which then you have to be ready to service some old men with limp d*cks if you’re a female.

There’s a huge unemployment issue in Ghana which is made far worse by the twin cankers of nepotism and s*xual harassment. And according to actor Don Little, even some of them in the movie industry are not immune to these problems.

Speaking with Delay on the Delay Show, Little said that it’s difficult to get roles in the industry because most of the time producers only work with actors they know and the rest of them have little chance of getting a role.

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The self-acclaimed lover of big botors women said due to this issue it’s not easy to get roles and make ends meet and because he has no other skill set life is not that rosy at the moment.

“I’m being sustained by the few movie roles. I can’t be employed in an office because my education is bad and I can’t also work as a labourer because I do not have the strength. Sometimes I think about all this and I get so worried.” Little said.

Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com


This post was published on January 28, 2019 7:55 AM

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