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Ghanaians Condemn What they Can’t Afford — Moesha Boduong Slams ‘Haters’

Apparently, all the criticism being lashed at Moesha Boduong for being a grade A ashawobrity is not because of the objectionable way she has chosen to live her life but simply for the fact that Ghanaians hate her for being successful whilst they are not.

The part-time actress and full-time ashawobrity took to social media to condemn people who criticize her, saying it’s purely done out of hatred and jealousy.

Tinny once rapped that if you’re too poor to buy kelewele you claim it causes jaundice and Moesha is saying something similar here.

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Posting a photo of herself, the actress wrote: “Don’t condemn the things you can’t afford because one day God will bless you …and you will do worse 👀👀”

Check out her full post below…

Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com


This post was published on January 21, 2019 4:45 PM

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