There is a saying that when a lion dies its dead body becomes a dining table for antelopes. Obviously, that is exactly how useless the Ghanaian Movie industry has become.
In an attempt to help resurrect this dead and buried movie industry, a lot of our celebrities such as actor James Gardiner and others have shared their opinions on various media platforms.
The most current advise being served to Ghanaian movie producers as we’ve observed is from our own, one and only Efia Odo, a female celebrity who wears the beautiful crown of Ghanaian ashawobrities.
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She posted a picture and captioned it with these words, “And this would be an outside the box production. Making it innovative and exciting so this “lost” generation can understand and enjoy. You never know, Netflix might be interested in buying, if done well,” she posted.
Check the post.
Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com
This post was published on December 6, 2018 6:20 PM
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