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CHRIS-VINCENT Writes: Sister Deborah, Medikal and Fella Makafui—the Coarse Triangle of Childish Nuisance

Fella Makafui

It’s been a week or so of snowballing childish nuisance on social media, spearheaded by a certain three—who walk around proudly as Ghanaian Celebrities, a phrase that’s become more of a slur because of those who are loosely bestowed with this title.

A musician called Medikal, his ex-girlfriend who claims to be a musician and everything else-Sister Deborah and his latest girlfriend-Fella Makafui have engulfed themselves in a social media cat and mouse fight, full of revolting innuendos and shocking childishness.

With what our generation of young adults have become, I’ve been repeatedly telling myself these days that there is probably a grand government conspiracy to keep us absolutely stupid—and the governments all over the world are in on it. Aided by social media, they have probably decorated our foods with a jam that makes us increasingly retarded.

What else would be a reasonable explanation for everything that happens around us these days, captured on social media but for the above hypothesis?

It’s deeply painful that we are what we term intelligent species on a planet of many species—or to the creationist, we were carefully and thoughtfully created and placed on this earth, by an omnipotent celestial father for the purposes we pompously showcase on social media.

Any of the two in light of what we see, hear and do, is equally depressing.

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We’ve become idiots—more of our idiocy has become unfettered. Why would any woman with her head out of her backside, including Sister Deborah, date someone like Medikal? This is just a question, for all to consider.

I’ve been told by a source that Sister Deborah was in love and therefore she should be pardoned because we all make mistakes on the back of love. While this is somewhat true, it’s also correct that it’s only a fool who falls into blind love.

If you hold a master’s degree like Sister Deborah, even if in a mundane discipline like gossiping, you ought to be able to put your thoughts and self beyond the dirty pigs.

Sister Deborah does not come off as the most brilliant or bold woman, certainly not a Joan of Arc sort of person, but until this Medikal fiasco which she continues to play a pivotal role with her subtle engagements on social media, we would all have considered her as someone who would at ease pass a basic ‘spot the douchebag guy’ test.  And yet, she woefully failed, dated one and fell in love with him—at least so it’s being claimed.

As expected, a relationship with a dude whose level of immaturity would shock a toddler does not last and so did this relationship. Worse of all, it’s the aftermath which has been utterly disgraceful and has abundantly captured the sort of toddler poop someone was dealing with in the name of love or for some of the alleged ‘sakawa’ money.

Medikal and Sister Deborah

You wouldn’t hold an unpopular opinion if yours is that a lot of our so-called Ghanaian Celebrities are plainly useless and are ‘belligerently’ following the words ‘love and relationship’ to undeserving ends.

The character Medikal can generously be described as roguish, unpleasant, juvenile and lacks any self-respect which extends to the women he deals with.

Yet, in the face of all the nonsense and pain being served Sister Deborah which some say she rightfully deserves is another woman, Fella Makafui—smugly matching on with her round butt and abetting Medikal and his entourage in the serving of the tasteless Sister Derby’s schadenfreude to all who care to watch on.

We do not need Saruman the white wizard to look into his glass ball to convey to us that Fella Makafui’s end will be far worse and it’s imminent. It’s beyond ordinary witchery or gross recklessness for a woman to join forces with a callous man to run down another woman this man has dated in this manner.

How a man treats his ex-partner tells a lot about his sense of maturity. The woman who glorifies a man who besmirches another of her kind whom he has been with endorses the fact that same should be done to her on her inevitable exit, I said to a friend who asked for my opinion on this matter, the coarse triangle of a childish nuisance. 

How these so-called Ghanaian Celebrities fall in love and the kind of people they fall in love with is obviously a conundrum beyond my intellect.

For now, Fella reigns but winter will soon be here and we will all be here to watch the bleeding of the broken heart and her bruised ego.

This post was published on November 17, 2018 3:35 PM

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