Last week news went viral on all Ghanaian social media platforms that Ghanaian self-acclaimed actress Efia Odo has been conspicuously dumped by the guy she has been making a lot of toxic noise about. Kwaku Revloe breaking up with Efia Odo wasn’t really surprising to anyone as the signs were clearly written on the wall.
It looks like almost everybody in this country knew the so-called relationship was dead on arrival apart from Efia Odo herself. She did everything within her reach and power to prove to a lot of narrow-minded people that she has the best boyfriend in the world but still got chopped and dumped. Fast forward Kweku The Play Boy Revloe has dumped her rat a$$ causing her a seriously broken heart which has become very difficult for her to deal with. She has even deleted all his pictures from her Instagram page.
It looks like Efia Odo needs a psychiatrist or a psychologist or whatever to really check her mental faculties as after she got dumped she’s been acting quite weird, funny and very strange.
It looks like she is in serious mental trauma and needs professional attention. She has once again posted one of her strange weird videos on Instagram claiming that she is not single. Meaning Kweku hasn’t dumped her which we all know is a big fat lie.