Ghanaian actress, Salma Mumin who was recently in the news for allegedly banging the boss of KOFAS Production, Kofi Asamoah has been asked to seek the services of Dr Obengfo after flaunting her flat bortos on Instagram.
Salma Mumin greeting her fans and followers on Instagram this Saturday morning took to her Instagram page, posted a photo of herself in a hot bikini and captioned it, “Just me and nature having a peaceful moment #happysaturday”.
Well, a fan who thinks Salma needs the services of Dr Obengfo for bortos enhancement commented on her photo saying, “U and this ur ass…still recommending DR OBENFOO for u….anyway nice pic..keep it up”.
Salma Mumin is one of those Ghanaian female celebrities with ‘manageable bortos’ ,─but hey since that ‘manageable bortos’ fits her body all that, what’s the need for body enhancement?