Social media users have lambasted the Ghanaian actor cum musician, Kwadjo Nkansah aka DJ Lil Win for calling for the immediate arrest of a female blogger for publishing fake news about him.
We are going to share with you some of the lamentations expressed by some of our Facebook readers after we published the news about Nkansah and Abeiku Santana calling on Ghana Police to arrest a blogger.
Let’s cast our minds back to somewhere around April 2018, which is about six months ago; Kwadjo Nkansah was accused of publicising fake news about the then COCOBOD Boss, Dr Opuni on his Adom TV “Don’t Think Far” TV Show.
Lil-Win baselessly accused Dr Opuni of stealing states funds and the sum estimated to be US$ 512,000,00 which when converted into Ghanaian cedis amounts to 2.35billion.
If such an uneducated ‘hypocrite’ like Lil Win could disgrace Dr Opuni without being arrested, then why on earth could Lil Win call for an arrest of someone who wrote fake reports about him?
Well, we won’t talk much about this, we will allow the social media users to handle it.
Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com