I didn’t go to a University in Ghana and I am so proud I didn’t—for reasons such as Ghanaian University education impedes critical thinking and fails to foster independence, individual development and critical analysis and personal growth.
University students are treated like children: with so many stupid rules inappropriate for even toddlers.
I have attended 3 different universities in the UK and all of them have one thing in common—they treat students as adults whose lives and future are in their own hands. They don’t ask or compel you to do anything but only advise, moderately.
My first degree University and Masters Universities allowed students to do whatever they wanted within the borders of the general national laws—you decide which lecture you want to attend, what time to sleep, who to sleep with and who to bring to your room.
Freedom of speech, freedom of association and several of the important but controversial human rights, remain important at the Universities I attended.
Lectures are even recorded and uploaded online immediately they are over, sometimes lectures are streamed live online, for students who “can’t be bothered to attend” or for revision.
I am told a certain University in Accra even requires that students take exeat before going off campus—WTF?
During the 6 or 7 years of my Universities’ education, I travelled to about 22 countries—all mostly within semester times and never had any problems. The rule was simple, don’t miss so many lectures on a go such that your name wouldn’t be flagged.
A University should create grounds for proper individual development, opposing views and dissent opinions.
Source: GhanaCelebrities.com