The Grand Finale of the 2018 edition of the Miss Universe Ghana pageant was happened yesterday at the luxurious Labadi Beach Hotel and was shown live on Joy Prime TV from 7:00 pm.
The Pageant was put together by Maltz Promotions, which is led by International Model Menaye Donkor, who is also a former winner of the competition that gave patrons what can be described as a beautiful show.
You know an event of this kind will not happen without Ghanaian celebrities wearing some of the beautiful clothes just to witness the occasion. A lot of them were there which included Yvonne Nelson.
After Yvonne gave birth she’s realized her very small “Oranges ” back then have now metamorphosed into huge “Water Melons” so she intentionally put them on display for everyone to have a view.
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Source :GhanaCelebrities.Com