Looking for a decent job in Ghana has become extremely difficult. Many young Ghanaian graduates have stayed home as unemployed for more than 7 years after acquiring a degree making them disappointed in education.
Some people would ask why people will stay at home for that long looking for someone or government to employ them but I dare say entrepreneurial skills are not embedded in everybody.
In as much as some people will have to do something for themselves, we cannot take away the fact that in many countries the government employs a large chunk of the working force. It is not everybody who has the temerity and temperament to be an entrepreneur especially in this our country where nothing works properly.
Even in countries that government does not employ a large chunk of the working population, the government has created an enabling environment for private businesses to thrive and for a lot of people to be employed. Can we say the same in Ghana? Your answer is as good as my guess.
Surfing through social media platform Facebook, I found a lot of Ghanaian graduates have expressed fury at the way we waste so much money to become a graduate but then after you wouldn’t get any meaningful job to do in Ghana on the Ghana National Service Scheme Facebook page.
Many of the people who shared their frustration on the page said that it is better to invest money in football betting rather than investing in getting a degree. Others also said that if they had invested the money on school in apprenticeship they would have made it by now. I dare say unemployment is the biggest National Security threat in this country.
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Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com