Hamamat Montia, a former Miss Maliaka Queen, who is currently into the production of soap, pomade and body oil with local raw material’s has done some ‘yawa’ in a video sighted on her Instagram timeline by GhanaCelebrities.com.
The former beauty queen is captured in a happy mood in the bathroom dancing and swinging her ‘naket’ body back and forth from the blurry view of the bathroom transparent door.
The beautiful young lady later opens the door of the bathroom and say a few things about her product and goes back into the bathroom.
A black puppy comes close to a red panty lying on the floor, smells it, and takes it and ran away with it. The puppy’s action is quite interesting because in Ghana it is commonly believed that dogs are mostly attracted to smelly things, especially shoe and socks.
One cannot conclude if what happened can be associated to the Ghanaian sense, where it is said that puppy’s and dogs are mostly attracted to smelly things, especially shoe and socks.
Interestingly, the video has also attracted the attention of Hamamat’s fans with some of them commenting about the dog and pant brouhaha. In fact, one fan asked her to delete the video because it was nasty for the dog to take and ran away with the pant.
Check out the video and some of the comments below…
Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com