The wall between the State and the church, defined by the constitution of Ghana is thick but the incumbent NPP government does not seem to give a hoot—and the government is jumping the wall to help the church with our supposed limited State resources.
Beyond the many scattered churches across Accra, the capital of Ghana, which schools and hospitals combined do not even match, the government of Ghana is leading an obsolete enterprise to build another giant church of 5000 seater capacity in Accra.
This is the same country where we have just about 50 working ambulances, where patients sleep on the floor at even our flagship medical facility, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital and where some communities do not have access to clean drinking water. This is the country where school children are taught under trees.
And yet, the government Ghanaians voted into power to manage the affairs of the State and improve their standard of living has climbed into bed with the church, a very rich institution that pays no tax to anymore—to make the church richer by aiding in the erection of a huge cathedral which Ghana does not need.
Where lies our understanding of priorities?
In order to build this needless cathedral, “many residents whose homes are situated on a vast stretch of prime land to be used for the cathedral, including nine Judges, have been served quit orders to vacate the area immediately,” Samson Anyenini, an Accra-based legal practitioner and the host of Joy Fm’s news analysis programme, Newsfile revealed yesterday.
The trumping of the State by the church, caused by the actions of the State itself in this manner is unacceptable—and it amounts to a slap in the face of the notion of separation of the church from the State.
In further support of building this cathedral, “the government has rented alternative expensive bungalows for the Judges to relocate temporarily while it begins construction of over twenty new bungalows on a different land in replacement for what it is going to destroy to make way for the cathedral. Lands Minister Peter Amewu further assures those affected that lands will be found to reconstruct the institutions to be destroyed in this area,” ‘Samson added.
The bungalows the judges live in now, ten six-bedroom bungalows which will have to be demolished so that the government will build this cathedral were built only five years ago by the Judicial Service to house Court of Appeal Judges using taxpayers’ money.
This is how efficiently our government is using our money.
Don’t we have more than enough churches in Ghana already—to be going through all these so we can build a cathedral we do not need?