On the back of Strika’s of Beasts of No Nation’s fame’s predicament which GhanaCelebrities.Com’s Founding Editor-Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri has written a beautiful piece on, if you are wondering where the other kids who appeared alongside Abraham Attah and Strika in the movie are, we’ve been wondering too.
Interestingly, we’ve found another, Emmanuel Affadz, who played Dike in Beasts of No Nation—and it seems he is not doing well. At least, he’s doing far better than what we’ve seen and heard of Strika in the last 24 hours.
Emmanuel Affadz has just finished shooting a new movie, called Borga, Directed by talented German-filmmaker, York-Fabian Raabe.
A photo of him from the set of the movie in Accra (below) shows Emmanuel beaming with smile.