
Without Bullet You Would Screw Up Ebony's Legacy — Afia Schwar Warns Nana Opoku Kwarteng And Calls For Peace

Afia Schwarzenegger

A clash of two male egos has thrown the legacy of one of the most explosive artists this country has ever seen into doubt as they haggle over the money emanating from her death.
Nothing crasser than what these two men are doing!
On Tuesday Bullet couldn’t take the accusations of money chopping from Ebony’s dad anymore and renounced all rights to her unreleased music and said her father can handle it.
The decision was contained in a press statement released by RuffTown Records and has been endorsed by Nana Opoku Kwarteng.
Reacting to the fracas, Afia Schwarzenegger, who was friendly with Ebony during her lifetime, has called on the two to smoke the peace pipe and work together for the good of Ebony.

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According to her, Nana Opoku Kwarteng can’t handle Ebony’s music because he doesn’t know the ins and outs of the industry and in his hands her legacy would be lost.
She also called on Bullet to understand Ebony’s dad and realize they need each other for the good of Ebony.
Read Afia Schwar’s post below…
Dear Bullet,
Something must have triggered you the day u chose to help @ebony_reigns ,even though she has a family, n a loving father…it was you she came to for help and u really helped her… if not anything that viral video of u at Tv3 practical begging us to support ur artist pushed me and a lot of people in the industry to push ur artist forward
Dear Dad,
“You gave birth to this beautiful young lady,full of life ,so talented,intelligent,well brought up…Dad you will agree with me you knew Ohemma will be great but u will also agree with me that someone helped her to get there.
Dad,no matter what u do u will need Midas touch n ruff town records to help push @ebony_reigns legacy.
Nana Kwarteng,you are the father of the 1st female.youngest artist of the year and to be honest u can’t let all this die out like that.
Bullet, sometimes I need u to understand human behaviors n overlook certain things,Your relationship with ur artist should drive u to do more for her now that she can’t do anything for her..Bullet you made @ebony_reigns but Nana Kwarteng Gave birth to Priscilla and @ebony_reigns is currently ur greatest achievement in terms of managing an artist
Pls for the sake of my friend,for her to Rest In Peace and for her lagacy to go on…pls smoke a peace pipe with the dad…
Daddy even the rightful owner of the supposed money u are fighting over is DEAD n Gone,if you truly care about my friend …let her legacy live by smoking a peace pipe with bullet!!!
There’s a lot that goes on in this industry that u dad got no knowledge will crash everything she fought for if u dnt listen to this advice…And that will hurt her.ohemaa wants her legacy to live!!!!
The only people that can do that are both of you together…Dad Money is Not everything and it is better to share with rufftown records than living with nothing and also hurting the soul of my departed friend …after all bony had no child n you ain’t broke so this fights on money must end…Don’t let the world see you as a Greedy man!!!!
God bless you both…Rest in peace @ebony_reigns


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