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Prove Me Wrong With Egg And Schnapps If My Claims Are False – Evangelist Addai Dares Kwame Despite

Evangelist Addai Emmanuel is proving to be one stubborn mule as he refuses to retract his claims that CEO of Despite And Special Group Dr. Osei Kwame Despite has been luring innocent Ghanaians into donating blood to support the national blood bank only to use the blood for ritual purposes. The self-styled “Evangelist” who uses social media for his own kind of Evangelism (which basically involves accusing public figures of belonging to the “Illuminati” including Jesus Christ himself) has gathered quite a following for himself and feels powerful enough to attack influential figures in the comfort of his living room in a faraway place.
After accusing Dr. Despite of hoodwinking gullible Ghanaians into donating their blood to him, the National Blood Service issued a statement expressing their shock and outrage at the allegations and cleared the air on the process of blood donation exercises, emphasizing that neither Dr. Despite nor any of his employees was personally involved in the technical process of collecting the blood samples.
“The National Blood Service (NBS) has noted with deep shock and utter disappointment video and audio recordings by one Evangelist Emmanuel Addai making rounds in certain social media circles alleging that blood donated by voluntary blood donors during community blood donation drives organized by the Despite Group of Companies are used for rituals by Dr. (H.C) Osei Kwame Despite. The assertions by the said Evangelist that the blood collected from voluntary blood donors who patronize such blood donation drives do not get to hospitals are uninformed and portrays a lack of understanding of blood donation process. The NBS wishes to state emphatically that these assertions by the said Evangelist Addai on the recordings are palpably false, baseless and most regrettable”, part of the statement read.
Fans of Despite and Ghanaians, in general, have descended heavily on the Evangelist, calling him delusional and suffering from PTSD, but all of that just seems to bounce off him, and he has released another video daring Dr. Osei Kwame Despite to prove his innocence the old fashioned way, with an egg and a bottle of schnapps. He is obviously very convinced by his own assertions and believes he has told no lie. But will the good doctor take the bait? Watch the video below

This post was published on July 16, 2018 11:38 AM