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HEARTBREAKING — Wife Of The Late Kuntu Blankson Tearfully Gives Vivid Account Of His Suicide On TV

Dealing with the death of a loved one is never easy, worse when the death turns out to be a suicide.
You can be sure for immediate family, especially the wife, they would wonder forever what they could have done to stop it from happening.
Veteran actor Kuntu Blankson died this week from a suicide, having been found hanging in the kitchen of his house.
His wife has narrated what happened the day he passed away.
According to her, on Wednesday evening she took some medication and decided to go to sleep around 8pm.
Usually her husband sleeps before her, she recounted on Adom TV, but on that night he insisted she go to bed and that he would join her later.
She continued that as she lay down trying to sleep he kept peeking into the room then go back to the hall. She was wondering what was driving that behaviour but she felt drowsy and fell asleep.

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She was woken up by one of her kids a few hours later who said their father had hung himself. She went into the kitchen to find the dangling body.
She insisted that nothing had shown he wanted to commit suicide and he never told the family what would bother him so much he would take his life.
Kuntu Blankson, who is survived by his wife and three kids, rose to fame as part of the classic tv program Akan Drama.
In recent years he’s been working as a laboratory technician at the University of Cape Coast Hospital.

This post was published on July 13, 2018 3:23 PM

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